American Reality Richness beware!!! cultural collision ahead Amtrak rails reveal real America sludgy water colored blue or any other unnatural coloure old, poor, huddle by real can fire sleep under interstate dig in junk piles rusted metal historic buildings with train ramps piles of dust reach up to them graffiti covers their faces scrub weeds garbage, not trash parallel roadways old sheds rusting rotting lumber tires, bottles, wire abandoned trailers fire gutted houses deep south movies look grazeland for cows, egrets wrinkled woman sits in porch swing black woman sweeps slatboard porch industrials brickworks shipbuilders from which you can identify one of your yachts forests few... a twinkle in your eye when you see cleared land rich development lone port-o-let on construction site as you pass a cemetery that has no caretaker twinkle turns to tears mother's grave forgotten knocked over and buried by brush and fill dirt painfully slow to look at reality isn't it? R. David Paine 2:00pm 1/17/88